Over The Moon About Birthdays!
Welcome to the Space Jam!
My kids both have birthdays in the same week in October. So naturally, they share a birthday party! This year, Thea turned two, so I thought a “Two the Moon” theme would be cute and and a little edgy at the same time. We lucked out with the weather! It was 70°F and sunny on a November day in New England! It was great because everyone was able to play outside! Due to the pandemic, we only had a small group of close friends come during the day and a small group of family come at night. It was an all day celebration, that the kids are still talking about! (Probably because I haven’t had the energy to take down any of the decorations!)
For the “Space Jam” decorations, I bought some blue and silver balloons and a space-themed balloon pack off Amazon. I have a little balloon pump that I use to blow up balloons for arches, and I usually pick up a helium tank from Michaels for the floaters! That little pump makes life so much easier! I highly recommend getting one! I covered the bar in a galaxy print tablecloth. I also purchased moon and star garland in silver and gold. I strung these over a metallic tinsel backdrop that I found at Target. To complete the look, I had my kids help me paint some planets onto cardstock and we just tacked it on top. They had loads of fun with this!
The food was my favorite part! For the drinks, I made a lavender lemonade that I put a drop of blue food coloring in and some cubed pitaya or dragon fruit, served it over ice and called it “Pluto’s Punch”. I also set some Kool-Aid Bursts out and called them “Rocket Fuel”. We had cheese ball “Meteorites”, Oreo cookie “Flying Saucers” and “Fruit Rocket” skewers. I made a cheese plate and a crudité board as well and to stay on theme I tried to use only black, white, blue, and orange foods! I ordered the cakes and cookies from a local baker, Griffin’s Cakes & Pastries. One was a coconut cake with coconut cream inside, and the other was a lemon cake filled with lemon curd! They were both beautifully decorated to go with our galactic theme and they both tasted incredible!
I also planned some fun “Space Games” for the kids to play! We had a “Moon Rock Hunt”. This was a super easy DIY game. If your like me, you save your Easter eggs somewhere in the garage, pull them out, fill them with treats, and wrap them in aluminum foil. Boom! Now they are moon rocks! Hide them out in the yard and have the kids go find them.
I also made some “Galaxy Play Dough”! I used my Homemade Play Dough recipe, but for this one I added some blue and purple food coloring. I also added a few drops of eucalyptus oil for a refreshing scent. I set it out on the table with some rollers, cookie cutters, glitter, silver stars, and astronaut figurines.
The next game was a little tricky for the toddlers, but they seemed to enjoy it anyway! We made “Solar System Bracelets”! Oliver and I went to Michaels and picked out a bunch of beads that looked like the planet colors. We also found some cool ones that looked like moon rocks as well. I set them out on the table with some twine and with some adult supervision all the kiddos made some bracelets!
The party ended with a crescent moon piñata, filled to the brim with the remainder of last week’s Halloween candy! I found this one on Amazon and it was super quick to fill and easy for the little kids to break, which was great, because there is nothing worse than waiting for little kids to try to break a rock solid piñata open. I also picked up some Melissa & Doug Astronaut Costumes for the kids to wear, and man, were they cute?!